Report on Baseline Survey of Plastic-Free Meeting Pilot Project

July 2, 2021

Photo by: Lao Department of Environment

Plastic Free Meeting Pilot Project is the collaboration project between UNDP Accelerator Lab and the Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (DOE, MONRE) with the aim to eliminate the single-use plastic from offices and promote the plastic-free meetings. The output of the project will include the creation of a comprehensive checklist and guideline for plastic-free events and meetings and promote this model with single-use plastic awareness to public and private sectors that are working with UNDP and DOE, MONRE. 

This 2 pager reveals findings from our baseline survey. This survey aims get the insight of plastic crisis awareness and current pattern of single-use plastic usage among the staffs of DOE and related UNDP partners to evaluate their understanding before and after the execution of actual activities.

To access our 2-pager finding: Dowload